Bus: 530.755.1178
Yuba City, California
Serving Northern California





1/4 Erosion Control Projects, American, Sacramento and Feather Rivers, Sacramento Valley Area, CA

Placing of quarry stone on the upper slopes of several erosion sites along the banks of the Sacramento & Feather Rivers. Installation of in-stream wood, fascines, and erosion control seeding. Two sites required base work be installed from the waterside.

Prime Contractor for USACE – Sacramento District

Project magnitude: $4,822,485

Well 34 Transmission Main, Olivehurst, CA

Mobilization and preparation work, placement of approximately 600′ of 16″ potable water line.


Prime Contractor for Olivehurst Public Utility District

Project magnitude: $130,765

Elk Grove Special Collection Center Project, Elk Grove, CA

Furnish labor and equipment to place approximately 65 LF 1″ gas service via HDD & place approximately 85 LF can clay.


Subcontractor for Freddi’s Graving & Paving 

Project magnitude: $12,600

Sierra Central Offsite Improvement Project, Yuba City, CA

Provide and place (2) 16″x 16″x 2″ drain inlet with grate, provide and place (1) 12″x 12″ yard drain inlet with grate, provide and place (1) go yype drain inlet with grate, place approximately 70 LF of 12″ perforated HDPE with filter fabric, place approximately 60 LF of rolled curb & gutter, place approximately 240 LF of 4″ sidewalk, place approximately 360 LF HMA & (6) compaction testing.


Prime Contractor for Yuba County 

Project magnitude: $25,130

Clark Road Directional Bore at UPRR Crossing Project - Live Oak, CA

Directional bore approximately 1700′ and place (2) 1.25″ HDPE.


Subcontractor for Level (3) Communications 

Project magnitude: $35,050

Hamilton City Flood Damage Reduction & Ecosystem Restoration Project - Glenn County, CA

Project includes replacing the existing century old substandard J levee with a newly constructed 6.8 mile set-back levee to provide a more reliable form of flood protection for residents and agricultural lands along the Sacramento River.  


This also includes actively restoring 1,145 acres of riparian woodland and 261 acres of riparian shrub to its natural habitat, including reconnecting and restoring a 70-acre floodplain meadow currently cut off by the J levee.


Prime Contractor for USACE Sacramento District 

Project magnitude: $6,242,380